Lighthouse project of JOMA Umwelt-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH

Location development
Effective climate protection and resource conservation in the area of waste management also requires a targeted development of new and existing sites, particularly when it comes to energy and resource efficiency (reuse based on material flow and the treatment of waste with high energy efficiency and the use of material and energy potential).
The development encompasses, in addition to the organisational development of structures, the planning of suitable technical measures based on the site – from the permit to the contract to the execution.
JOMA has executed projects in the area of organic waste treatment with energy use and material reuse at various waste management sites.
JOMA Umwelt-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH references
Development of the Pennigbüttel location
Client: Abfall-Service Osterholz GmbH
Period: Ongoing since July 2017
The client operates a waste management site in Osterholz-Scharmbeck/Pennigbüttel, near Bremen, Germany. The client’s aim is to develop the location further, which also encompasses post-rotting facilities currently not in use.
Based on a location development concept from JOMA, pre-planning was developed for the use of the existing systems for intercommunal organic waste treatment. In cooperation with JOMA, the Verden, Osterholz and Cuxhaven regions, together with the City of Cuxhaven, established a joint institute of public law in order to erect and operate a joint cascade-shaped organic waste treatment system, consisting of fermentation and post-rotting process steps integrating the existing facilities. The planning process for this project is ongoing and supported by JOMA.
Implementation of innovative public toilets
Client: Stadtreinigung Hamburg AöR
Period: Ongoing since March 2016
The City of Hamburg handed over the task to renew and operate public toilets to the client. Some of the tasks include erecting new toilets, replacing existing facilities with new toilets and repairing existing facilities. The aim is to expand the number of public toilets in future and also add handicapped as well as gender-sensitive options. JOMA supports this process – from the permit to the tender for the supplier companies to the realisation – also under consideration of the special framework for the erection of such facilities in the public realm.
Development of the Tornesch location
Client: GAB Umweltservice
Period: Ongoing since May 2016
The client operates waste management facilities in Tornesch/Kummerfeld, near Hamburg, Germany. The client’s goal is to develop the location further in terms of waste management. This includes the expansion of existing compost facilities with the addition of fermentation, the replacement of the existing waste-to-energy plant and the development of new business fields.
In an initial project step, the existing compost facilities were expanded to include fermentation. This phase of the project, supported by JOMA, has been completed.
In a second project step, based on the location developed concept drawn up by JOMA, additional plans are to be implemented, particularly the replacement of the existing waste-to-energy plant. The planning process and implementation are ongoing and being supported by JOMA.
Recovery of nutrients from sewage sludge ash
Client: Kommunale NährstoffRückgewinnung Niedersachsen GmbH (KNRN)
Period: Ongoing since February 2016
The client is a conglomerate of 22 communal sewage sludge generators, with the aim of a joint, intercommunal sewage sludge treatment system for disposing of their own sewage sludge within a joint communal company.
The company aims to realise a mono incineration plant for sewage sludge, based on a stationary fluidised bed at an own and feasible location. Thanks to the facilities planned here, an innovative, sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for ensuring the disposal of own communal sewage sludge will be created. From this follows energy supply (electricity), heat from renewable energies (sewage sludge) as well as nutrient recovery, particularly phosphor, from the incinerator ash.
JOMA has been working for the client since the location scouting stage and currently supports the process for the realisation in both political and planning terms.
Purchase of the Borsigstraße (MVB) and Rugenberger Damm (MVR) incinerators
Client: Stadtreinigung Hamburg AöR
Period: April 2014 – July 2019
The client purchased the MVB and MVR incinerators from Vattenfall Europe New Energy within the above-mentioned time period over the course of several steps.
The respective purchasing process was based on extensive analyses both of the market situation in connection with a utilisation forecast and the determination of market price development. Technical and economic analyses were also performed. Some of these were also in connection with an anti-trust analysis.
JOMA supported the client throughout the purchasing process and was responsible for the tasks mentioned above. JOMA was able to leverage similar extensive experiences gained from the purchasing process of E.ON Energy from Waste (EEW), which JOMA also supported.